Hunting by Species

Hunting tips, tricks, and information based on the different species of game.

Why Am I Not Seeing Deer While Hunting

Why Am I Not Seeing Deer While Hunting?

At my day job, I have the opportunity to pretty much talk about hunting all day, and a great deal of that time is spent answering or trying to answer various hunting-related questions. One question that I hear asked over and over is, why am I not seeing deer while hunting? While it can be…

Squirrel Hunting Vest Options

10 Excellent Options for a Squirrel Hunting Vest

There are very few types of hunting that I find as relaxing and enjoyable as a morning or afternoon spent hunting squirrels. One significant advantage to chasing bushy tails is the simplicity of it since it’s one of the few hunting sports that doesn’t require any specialized gear. All you really need is a shotgun…

10 Ways to Improve a Deer Hunting Property

One of the most common ways to grow more giant deer on a property is to follow or utilize some QDMA guidelines. While I agree with about 95% of the more common QDMA (Quality Deer Management Association) guidelines, I also have a few that I’ve found to be especially helpful for growing bigger deer. Over…

Is it Worth Going Coyote Hunting in Extreme Cold?

Weather is the one constant that can make or break any hunting, fishing, or outdoor experience. Some weather creates opportunities, while bad weather can take away opportunities. Coyote hunting is one of those activities that potentially is impacted by inclement weather or extreme temperatures. So let’s dive in and see if it makes sense to…

Can Doves See Color

Can Doves See Color? The Answer Might Surprise You

Around the middle of August, wing shooters start preparing for the upcoming dove season. Shotguns will be cleaned and oiled up, camo clothing will be unpacked, and the serious hunters will try to get in a few practice rounds of skeet or sporting clays. Just before the dove season starts, I see first-time hunters at…

5 Commons Reasons Hunters Lose a Hunting Lease

Recently, I had a customer at my day job share a story about how his group of friends had just lost their deer hunting lease on a prime piece of property. The landowner has cows on the land, and one of his buddies on the lease mistakenly shot a young cow, thinking it was a…

What is a Deer Lease and How Do They Work?

Finding a good place to hunt has become one of the biggest obstacles for most modern-day hunters. One potential approach to securing a place to hunt is via a deer lease (also known as a hunting lease). However, hunting leases can be tricky, especially if you aren’t familiar with the leasing process. So, let’s answer…

Coyote Looking Towards a caller

17 HMR Coyote Hunting – Is it Enough Caliber?

Among predator hunters, the coyote has become the top “dog” and most popular predator species hunted. In fact, an entire hunting market has developed that includes dedicated coyote hunting guns (shotguns and rifles), calls, clothing, scents, etc. Coyote hunters are just like any other group of hunters and love to discuss and debate the popular…

Best Choke for Dove Hunting

What’s the Best Choke for Dove Hunting?

As summer winds down and September approaches, wing shooters all across the country begin to prepare for dove season. Shells will be purchased, plans will be made, coolers will be packed, and thousands of hunters will fire an untold number of shotgun shells at twisting and turning dove species in dove fields across the country….

Dove Hunting with Over and Under Shotgun

Can I Go Dove Hunting with an Over and Under Shotgun?

We recently had someone send in the following question via email: “I’m new to dove hunting, but wanted to know if I can go dove hunting with an over and under shotgun? Any help would be appreciated.” After I responded to his email, I thought that question might be relevant to other hunters, so I…